Investigation Reports: Mothman

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To celebrate the release of our 17th game, we have a free and online-only set of trial puzzles that will help you get the background story for this eerie escape. Each week, for the next 4 weeks, we will release a new puzzle. These are simple puzzles that you can solve in your leisure with only your computer and a piece of paper for note-taking. Simply click the report you want to investigate below and solve the puzzle. Input your answer into the computer to get a piece of a larger puzzle. Solve all 4 reports and you will unlock a special “Extra Challenge” in the Escape the Mothman game when it arrives during the first week of October or November!

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Report 1 (LIVE NOW!)

Our agents have been receiving reports of strange lights in the sky outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. A newspaper was dropped off to us with some strange omissions. Can you make sense of what is going on?



A local schoolteacher has contacted us asking for help. As she closed up the school last evening, she began to feel as if she was being watched. She claims that she was “filled with dread” with no source for the fear. Pushing it aside, she got in her car to leave and that was when she saw the eyes…. glowing eyes. Read all about her eyewitness report and help us get a better idea of what this creature looks like!





One of our puzzle designers, Chris, runs a podcast about strange phenomena. When listening to the latest episode… something odd came across the airwaves. A message? Interference from some other radio wave? Whatever it is… you copy down the symbols that you find.



We have pinpointed what appears to be the epicenter of the Mothman sightings… an abandoned military research complex deep in the woods. The locals call it the TNT area. Out of bounds to anyone and everyone, the dark tunnels give you the chills. If only we could check it out…



After solving all 4 reports, piece together the evidence you recover by typing the correct solutions into the website. That will lead you to your final code to unlock the Clockmaker’s report, which will give you a special, extra challenge to complete at the end of the Escape the Mothman game!

FOUND THE SOLUTION? (Locked with a word)