Escape the Queen’s Curse

Play completely online… Not a part of the subscription.

We have digitized our EIGHTH Game!

 Queen Elizabeth the 1st has been poisoned and we have it on good authority that the evil Mr. X is behind this massive change to history. She was traveling at the time of the poisoning and she is at a small castle for a grand tournament that was scheduled to be held, so things are in disarray. Luckily, her advisor and the noted alchemist, John Dee, has a secret study in this castle. It is quite possible that John Dee’s notes hold the directions to brew the antidote to this poison. It will be up to you to explore the castle and the grounds, to discover the secret passages, gather the potion ingredients, and save the monarch before the poison takes effect. God Save the Queen!

This is a “re-imagining” of our eighth box in the subscription, which was released in April/May of 2018. If you have played this box, many of the puzzles in this game will be the same, though we have added a few surprises. Since the physical game of “Escape the Queen’s Curse” was permanently retired in July of 2024, this digital game will offer new fans of Escape the Crate a chance to start the game from the very beginning.