Fun Fact: EMIT is TIME backwards...since we go back in time.
Welcome to the world's only organized time traveling institution. Our mission is simple… We go back in time to fix changes that have occurred to the timeline. If pirates have a futuristic treasure on their ship, we need you to join their crew and steal it back. If one of our other members disappears in a crumbling Romanian castle, we might need you to go rescue them from vampires…
Recently... our caseload has exploded. There are only a few members of our team and we simply can't handle the number of changes that are occurring in time. That is why YOU have been brought in.
We must warn you, however, that there is another time traveler out there. We know him as Mr. X. He has been causing havoc over the ages and has been morphing history for his own personal gain. He has it out for us and thwarting his plans is often our number 1 priority.
We are sure that you have what it takes to join us. We have several missions back in time waiting to be sent out. You can peruse them in the "Missions" tab or you can check out some of the open files below to choose your mission!
EMIT needs YOUR help. Please click HERE to subscribe for your first mission now. History depends upon you.
The Clockmaker